Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Random Thoughts

My heart is pounding my head just hurts
Im tired and grumpy and bored
I want to leave and run away but
shirking from responsibilities would be insane
Classes drag on they never end
I want to go out and play in the park even get a tan
What am I doing here? feeling like wasting my time.
Do I want to come back do I want to drop out
I need an education to get a career but is school really me?
The thought of marriage makes me want to hid under a rock
Once I was told you get hurt more in marriage than any other time.
If this is the case who wants to put themselves through that pain?
My friends are the best but I feel like they don't get me
I try to have them understand but it just wont happen.
I hate doing homework but it is ALWAYS there.
I would rather sleep all day then get up and do stuff
Im ready to be done with this place move back home
I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs
but it probably wouldn't calm my sorrows.
Stop feeling sorry for myself... thats what I say every day
But its harder to do then people would think...
So for now I will keep my pain to myself
it will get better, it just has to or else where would I be?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

No Remembrance.

everything seems harder when you're broken.
walking seems harder because you're afraid
every new step is going to crack you some more.
every new breath is going to hurt you more
and every new thought is going to push you
farther into the deep unknown you dont want to see.
the days seems longer and the nights seem shorter.
looking around you you see the bright yellow sun
beckoning you to join in its brilliance but you cant
because every bit of brightness you had left inside of
you was taken away and you cant remember how to get it back.
everything seems harder when you're broken and can't remember
how to fix yourself.